Strategic Investment Light Year
Light Year is a blockchain based space strategy game. Mining natural resources, crafting space ships, battling and trading with other players, joining alliances or nations, the game brings players the wildest experience of space exploration. Moreover, under the hood, it's a play-to-earn DeFi farming protocol that maximizes users' return from staking their crypto assets.

Strategic Investment FantomPad
FantomPAD is the first Hybrid Dex-Incubator building on the Fantom network Facilitating the needs of a project from the incubation stage all the way to List and Launch! Our seamless, flexible and exclusive platform provides an all in one solution to project development funding and securities.

Strategic Investment Meta Rim
The Meta Rim NFT is a collection of 8,888 unique survival mecha avatars. It will serve as a bridge for the communication of upcoming Gamefi games. Not only will it have collection value, but it will also bring players additional profits in the future.